International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) is an open acces and double blind peer reviewed. All the papers received are firstly assessed by our editorial board. The editorial board is composed of academic staff and renowned researchers.
Every article will be further screened by our reviewers, according to the academics ethics and the personal data protection policy. To avoid any conflict of interest, a reviewer can not be affiliated to the same institution as the author.
The complete review process take maximum four weeks after the acknowledge of the submission e-mail of the contributor.
After the review proces each paper will receive an answer from one of editorial board's members concerning the validation (partial validation or full validation) or the nonvalidation (reject) of the paper, as follows:
A: Validation
1. Accept (validation);
2. Accept with minor changes (partial validation);
3. Accept with major changes (partial validation);
B: Nonvalidation
4. Reject (nonvalidation)