Social and psychological benefits of self-disclosure

  • Narcisa Loredana Posteuca Esi Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania
Keywords: self-disclosure, inter-subjectivity, reciprocity norm


The analysis of the concept of “self-disclosure” and implicitly, of the benefits it has upon the psychological and social dimension, reveals from an epistemic viewpoint the need for a theoretical and practical foundation well outlined from a scientific viewpoint. Thus, a comparative study at the theoretical level, but also at the level of inter-subjective practice transposes the results obtained over time in the area of psychological and social consequences and effects. Moreover, such epistemic results acquire epistemic validity in the inter-subjective field and space insofar as we can see, from our point of view, a series of (affective, cognitive) benefits related to the interpersonalrelationships or to the therapeutic relationship between the patient and the physician (analyst).

How to Cite
Posteuca Esi, N. L. (2019). Social and psychological benefits of self-disclosure. International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro), 6(12), 25-29. Retrieved from