Frequently Asqued Questions (FAQ'S)
1. Is International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation a reffered journal?
 Answer: International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation folows double blind peer review policy.

2. Is the International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation indexed?
Answer: International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation is indexed in international databases. Please verify the Indexing page.

3. How can I submit the paper?
Answer: The author(s) have to submit the paper via the MAKE A SUBMISSION form or by e-mail at: contact@aseiacademic.org. 

4. Can I receive a certificate as author?
Answer: Every author(s) will receive a publication certificate at request.

5.  Can I received a certificate as member of Editorial Board?
Answer: Every member of Editorial Board will receive a certificate (as member of editorial member/ reviewer team).

6. Are there any publication fees?
Answer: Yes, you cand find more about this here: https://journals.aseiacademic.org/index.php/ijsei/fees